Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gettin' Dolled Up

You might think I'm shoehorning some extra photos I have of Homecoming into one last post just because Homecoming was so awesome and I needed to do one more post.  I totally understand your position and you might even be right.  However, the preparation for this dance was just as sporting as anything I've seen this year:  You try to apply hair spray and makeup to Eden sometime.  See if you make it out alive.  Anna and Erin tried just that.  And Eden looked as beautiful as ever!

She shouldn't have been so skeptical.
Earrings weren't a problem...
Shoes, however, were.  Eden: "The straps are supposed to be on the outside?  Aw crap!"
Baby Kayla: "Yeah, I was the one who F*@$#% Eden up."
He's great at football.  But Austin doesn't even know HOW to throw bags.
Eden wasn't waiting for anyone to tell her it was time to eat.
This thing turned into "Take a picture of us" faster than you can say "ukulele."
Friends for 14, almost 15, years.
Friends for 16, almost 17, years.
One with just the ladies.
Now the whole group.  Which one is Austin?
I think this was the Pommers picture.
"Kayla, I can't believe you knocked Eden on her ass today."  Kayla: "Fo sho."
No harm, no foul, though.
I think they're ready for some Lil' Wayne.
Pic 434 of this "shoot."  Seriously.
The four Schuette Beauties
Bomb. Shell.

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