Monday, October 10, 2011

Pommin' Homecoming

The Homecoming game was the first game that both Eden and Anna pommed together!  While Eden was a little rusty from so much tennis and not enough practice time, the routine was still pretty cool.  And I loved that it DIDN'T have a kick line.  Way to try something new ladies!

Eden and the rest of the girls started out on the sidelines.
The game was almost as big as the hair.
When halftime came, we got ANOTHER glimpse of royalty.
You can almost hear what she's thinking: "Holy s#!^ did I f*@% Eden up"
Kendyl could kick Austin in the face if she wanted to.
Beautiful Siberian, Eden.  (Note: I may not have the right term there).
Making it look easy.
That, however, looks hard.  Killer Russian, Anna.  (Note: I know that one).
Lexie always has the best hair.
I guess Anna could kick Austin in the face, too.
I couldn't believe she jumped that high.  Goodness.
She never stops smiling.
And what kind of Poms Post would this be without some GIFs?  Let's take a look at what happened to Anna and Paige when they played Jump Around during the 3rd quarter:

(Click on the photo to animate).
(Click on the photo to animate).
(Click on the photo to animate).

I want whatever that girl takes in the morning.  What's the over/under on the number cups of coffee she drinks each day?  7.5?

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