Monday, October 17, 2011

Pommin' At Senior Night!

At least the Pommers were dressed for the weather!

Eden, Anna, and the rest of the Pommers were in action for the Ships final homegame.  Let's get right to the pictures:

Maybe taking photos on the sideline was a distraction for the Pommers?

I am always amazed by how high they can kick.  Look: Baby Kayla can reach about 3 inches over her head!  That's, like, almost 5 feet in the air!

Big smiles on those frosh: Ellie, Kendyl, and Anna.

Paige!  It's the National Anthem!  You don't have to look at the camera!  Of course, now I know why you and Nick get along so well.

Maybe we're gonna have to teach these girls some professionalism.

Yep.  Professionalism.  That's next on the agenda.

It's almost like she's not as happy as she could be...

There it is!  Pure joy!

Awesome "missle", Eden.  That looks great!  (Note: I may not know what that's called).

That "Topanga" looks great, Eden! (Note: I may not know what that's called, either).


Very cute, ladies.

Eden not smiling?  She must not like that one.

Nope, that wasn't it.  Why no smile silly?

At least Anna was still smiling.

And Kendyl.  She's smiling.  Right?

Oh God.

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